07 July 2009

When in Rome

It is a terrible shame that I canàt download photos on this computer (although maybe not, since my curls get bigger and fluffier as the day progresses) and also a shame that I canàt figure out where the apostrophe key is on the keyboard. Itàs even trickier than a German keyboard.

We are making a whirlwind tour of Italy this week. Highlights so far are as follows (Um, I cannot find the colon key either but picture one here)

1. Tour of the Vatican, Colosseum, and Roman Forum with Francesco, who bears a stiking resemblance to Ira Glass. Francesco knows everything in the world about art history and studied with the artist who restored the Sistine Chapel, so he was a fantastic guide. Also, did I mention that he looks just like Ira Glass? There is a new (to me) trend in tourism in which tour guides have little over the ear microphones and all the tour participants have boxes around their necks and ear pieces so they can hear the guide without being near him. It is fantastic. It made everyone on my tour look like bad CIA operatives and we could wander around the sites without sticking too close to the guide. (Although why wouldnàt you want to stay close to an Italian man (Italian is dead sexy) who looks like Ira Glass?)

2. I took us the secret slow way to the Cappuchin Crypt, but it is morbidly delightful, and we treated ourselves to gelato after the grueling march to the church where the bones are housed.

3. Love the Trevi Fountain.

4. Love the Baptistry in Pisa. The acoustics allow sound to linger for 10 seconds, so a single person can sing three notes and create chords and harmonies with himself. The guard demonstrated and it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard.

Having been a Humanities major is pretty much the best preparation in the world for a trip like this, since I already have memento mori and Medici and other important M words stored up in my brain. I studied Michelangeloàs Pieta in college, but I still wasnàt quite prepared for how gorgeous it is. Seeing it is overwhelming.

Florence and Venice later this week.



Alice said...

Living vicariously through you and Jillian(the Bachelorette) are very good things. Whoa...I just admitted that I watch that horribly sketchy show. I think I want to go to Italy now. Like today. Too bad I have to go pick up my sister and have softball adventures with her. Tomorrow it is off to see lighthouses in Northern Wisconsin with Mom and Andi. It will be a fun little girls adventure. Staying in a fancy hotel. I guess it is a close 2nd to almost flying to England tomorrow. SIGH

E said...

I think I will cook some spaghetti, turn on the shower (so that I can pretend I am near a fountain) and type without apostrophes so that I can be like you.

CSIowa said...

Why do you know what Ira Glass looks like? Did you go to the broadcast in movie theaters?

Where did you learn the phrase "secret slow way?" I might try to take credit for it.

I am having fun following your European adventure, in spite of the fact that you missed out on an important piece of a Humanities education by not taking Latin. Memento mori. That thing a tourist brought home? Also a memento. Two e's, one o. It's one of my pet peeves. Feel free to let me know when I step on one of yours.

And have a FABULOUS time!

SCS said...

"Secret Slow Way" does indeed come via SCS via CSIowa. Funny how these phrases get around.

I'm with Alice. I'm going to pretend that my trip to the northern borders of my Fair City tomorrow is just as exciting as Italy with Ira Glass. (Dang it . . . it's not working . . . maybe I'll just pretend Marmot Dad is Ira Glass and call it good . . . I'll see if he can do the quasi-cynical quasi-bored voice.)

When are you sending gelato? Mangia! Mangia!

MBC said...

Alice, lighthouses are a very good alternative!

E, keep the bathroom door closed so the shower produces humidity and it will be exactly the same!

CSIowa, Ive seen Ira Glass on talk shows and things. Ah, yes, one of the downsides of working with Internet abroad is no time for checking doubtful spellings and proofreading. It is true that I have zero Latin. Sad for me.

SCS, make Marmot Dad speak in an Italian accent and say smartypants things about art. He can pull that off.