12 August 2009

Quick Update

What we've been up to:
  • Attended Highland Games in Portree - In response to friends' questions about how the Scots wear their kilts at the games: the competitors in the local games wear jeans
  • Hiked the Old Man of Storr on the Isle of Skye
  • Had very pleasant breakfast conversation about American politics with minister from the Orkney Islands at our beautiful B&B in Duror
  • Visited the MOST beautiful tiny village (I really mean it this time) in the northwest corner of Scotland. Coordinatrix eaten up by midges.
  • Stayed with a friend from Indiana in St. Andrews area. She may be the coolest person I know and her food is very, very good.
  • Ate delicious fish and chips by the sea
  • Visited four castles, two churches, and three cemeteries on Castle Party Day with tiny dog wearing raincoat
  • Scottish computers continue to refuse access to pictures on my camera


Holly said...

Some friends from Provo were also at the Highland games - they loved it!

Alice said...

I think the visual of the dog in a raincoat is just precious. I will remember it always. Who needs pictures? Dang Scottish computers.

eliana23 said...

Lovely, all of this. Thanks for the updates for some vicarious living for me.

ldsjaneite said...

Are any of these outdoor festivities comparative to Sheep Days? (Or whatever it's called there in UT.) Not that I ever went, but it sounded fun as do all of these.