09 September 2009

Babies Babies Babies

I can't make the pictures download! Argh!

So, I'm working with about 15 babies. They're at the hospital because of problems like malnutrition, heart conditions, or developmental delays. The hospital is just a short, 5-minute walk from the hotel where we're staying, so we go back and forth three times a day to feed the children, to play with them, and to work on developing their motor skills. Today my favorite is Daniela. She looks just like an elf and I can read her mind. Usually she's thinking either, I'm starving! Feed me immediately or feel my wrath! OR Hey! Hey! Make that monkey dance again. Again! She would easily fit in my suitcase if I could just get her through customs.


JAMES said...

you are nice.

Amy said...

This makes me want to cry. Poor babies. Bless your heart. So many developmental delays can be overcome with the the correct therapies, but you have to have the time and knowledge to know what to do . . .

Annie M. said...

It makes me want to cry too... you amaze me.

ldsjaneite said...

What an amazing experience!

P.S. I just gave your blog (well, both of them!) an award at my blog http://austenknowsbest.blogspot.com

eliana23 said...

I think you should risk it with customs--most of the time they aren't noticing things like babies. Do it!