22 September 2009

The Night Shift

I'm usually with the non-mobiles at the hospital, but tonight I went in to help Melissa with the other group--the runners and the climbers. And that is where I met my new best friend. His name is Sammy. He's four and he has Downs Syndrome and he's a dancing. machine. At one point, I was dancing with him in my arms (no small feat--he's a CHUNK) and he was so excited that I thought he was going to hyperventilate. I was imagining tomorrow's newspaper headline: American Volunteer Sends Beloved Local Boy into Cardiac Arrest. The boy loves to groove.

Then I pretended to eat up Andreea and sat with Iunela out in the lobbyish area while she munched on some kind of Romanian treat that resembles cheese puffs. Not a bad night at all.

Oh, yeah, till we popped everyone into bed and left them shrieking for more good times. Except for that.

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