11 September 2009

These are (Some of) My Babies

Marius and Andrei hold a baby summit in the hallway.

Gabriela - Gabriela doesn't sit up on her own or walk or talk (but she can crawl!). She loves balloons and being tickled and she's about 12 kinds of sweet.

Ion - Ion's at the hospital because he's had heart surgery once and will likely be having it again at some point. Because he doesn't have any development delays or cognitive problems, he's much faster and more active than most of the other kids and tends to smash them as he crawls in wild pursuit of whatever he wants. Here he is in the stroller AFTER we discovered that he's a bad stroller companion for Marius and popped him into his own stroller.

This is a terrible, fuzzy picture but I didn't realize that until the photo was uploaded and it took FOR.EV.ER to upload, so I will not allow my labor to have been for naught. Here I am with Daniela. We often converse this way, because she's more willing to agree with me that she should stop shrieking when held aloft. I'll try to post more photos of her later so you can see how elf-like she is. She doesn't look like she belongs at the North Pole here. But she does. We had to wear surgical masks all this week. It really gets in the way when I suddenly feel the need to grab and squeeze and kiss the kids.


Lori said...

Cute, cute babies. Why not work a little volunteer-baby-loving into your globe trotting? Brilliant.

I liked your book-list above too. I'm always keeping a list to get around to.

Annie M. said...

Do they all wear jammies all the time?

MBC said...

Lori--Glad you liked it!

Annie--Yep. All sleepers all the time. Oh, actually, the children who can walk wear regular play clothes.