20 September 2009

Wait for It

I have more pictures. I have pictures of beautiful monasteries and I have pictures of little children you have not seen yet. I do NOT have any pictures of the hilarious Iunela, one of the toddlers. She came marching into the baby playroom the other day, grabbed Ion around the neck and kissed him, made her way through the babies, patting them as she went, wedged herself into a bouncy chair long enough to pretend to be sleeping for about 2 seconds, and marched back out to charm the aides in the hall. She had come and gone by the time I could detach the babies I was holding and reach my camera.

I only have one week left in Romania. Here are some of my favorite things here:
1. I love the way Andrei pats me with his fat, dimpled hands when he sits in my lap (I do not love the way he vomits into my slippers).
2. I love that Gabi was sitting up by herself last week!
3. I love the moment when we enter the playroom first thing in the morning and the crawlers swarm us.
4. I love the way Marius dimples up if you swing him in the air.
5. I love other things but someone's waiting for this computer. We shall continue tomorrow. Wait for it.


CSIowa said...


MBC said...

You're going to have to keep waiting for it. This computer is throwing a fit. It keeps closing down the browser. Patience, friends.

EP said...

Waiting to hear more. One week left! How sad. Seeing you play with the kids has been splendid and uplifting. You are wonderful! Thank you for sharing it with us.