08 September 2009

Guess What I Found?!

This will only be exciting if you spent the summer of 1998 in St. Petersburg, Russia living off an odd kind of cakey cookie. Yes, that's right, I just got back from the grocery store in Barlad where I found--ta da--priyaniki!

Also, babies are nice.


Marcene Perry said...

Please send me some!

Amy said...

Ah, dry, cakey, carb-loaded goodness in a bag . . .

Jaren's bought them a couple of times somewhere in Denver (there's a large Russian community here), and they never seem to taste as good as the ones we ate there. Maybe it's something to do with not eating a steady diet of hot dogs for breakfast and pasta cooked up in oil.

Enjoy one for me.

Maren said...

Congrats! Love those things! I tried bringing a bag home for the family after my first trip to Russia. They were horrible when I got them here - maybe because they were stale, but I think even more so because I wasn't used to eating bland Russian food by the time I got them home. I think priyaniki are best enjoyed in the middle of a regular Russian diet. But they are some yummy goodness for sure. Hope you are having tons of fun!

MBC said...

Marcene--I'll see what I can do.

Amy--I ate one today. I did not necessarily enjoy it. I kept telling my roommate here, "I don't know why we liked them so much, but they made us so happy."

Maren--Thanks! These ones seem a little dry. I can't remember if they were always like that or if I just got a dry batch.

ldsjaneite said...

It sounds interesting. I'd love to try some!